Laser Assisted Functional Therapeutic Release
with Dr. Amy Luedemann
What is LAFTR?
LAFTR (Laser Assisted Functional Therapeutic Release) is a gentle yet powerful laser therapy. It is a no-touch use of a unique laser wavelength to release tensions in the fascia and activate idealized function of cranial nerves and muscles. LAFTR is not to be confused with low level laser therapy (LLLT or Cold Laser Therapy) as it is actually high level laser therapy, but not hot. The complete sequence of therapy has many other positive systemic benefits.
LAFTR (Laser assisted functional therapeutic release) A procedure that uses a specific, unique wavelength of laser energy at targeted intensities to accomplish several positive and healing effects in the patient. LAFTR is a gentle yet powerful laser therapy. It is a “no-touch” use of a unique laser wavelength to release tensions in the fascia and activate idealized function of cranial nerves and muscles. LAFTR is not to be confused with low level laser therapy (LLLT or Cold Laser Therapy) as it is actually high level laser therapy, but not hot. The complete sequence of therapy has many positive systemic benefits which are listed in the age-specific sections: infants, children, and adults.
How are these benefits accomplished? It starts with the fascia, or our connective tissue. Our understanding of the human body has changed dramatically in the past decades. Where we used to think of muscles and bones as a lever/pulley system, we now understand that we are truly shaped and function because of a matrix of material called fascia (For a super simple and “layman’s description of fascia, check out the first 5 minutes of this YouTube video – the last bit of the video is advertising ) All of our bones, muscles, nerves, nervous system, blood vessels and lymphatic system are covered over, surrounded by and connected through the fascia. Fascia is integral to the communication and function of the body as a system (Strolling Under the Skin Video.) Through fascia, our tongue is literally connected to our big toe, as well as directly connected to the airway, back of neck and upper spinal areas of the occiput, C1 and C2. The lubricant of fascia is called hyaluronic acid, and ideal form and function is very reliant on healthy, mobile fascia. Many things can cause “gumming” of the lubricant in our fascia and cause fascia to get thick and stuck, or denisfied, such as intense exercise, trauma, and overuse to name a few. ( , , )When we have these static areas in the body, the blood flow, lymph flow, oxygenation, and nerve functions will all be impacted. In addition, the resultant densification of the fascia in these areas, and the resultant negative effects mentioned above, can even cause disruptions in the autonomic nervous system. ( LAFTR gently and instantly releases these areas giving improved range of motion of the muscles and fascia which works to help restore ideal function and circulation of blood, oxygen, lymph, nerves and helps to restore autonomic regulation.
Lasers have been used for decades for healing and pain management. All of the therapeutic healing applications have used low level laser therapy LLLT with wavelengths between 500-990nm also commonly called cold laser therapy or more recently, photobiomodulation. These wavelengths only penetrate the superficial layers. These laser treatments can have a nice relaxing effect similar to massage or moist heat therapy. They also activate cellular benefits like cellular respiration and metabolism and a cascade of positive cellular effects. This is a great therapy when used to promote healing on skin or superficial surgical sites. ( ) There are too many applications of lasers to list here, but here is a great article describing quite a few and that gives an overview of lasers .What sets LAFTR apart is it it’s depth of penetration which is deeper than any other laser, and that the therapy is actually high level laser therapy, not low level laser therapy. All of the benefits of LLLT on a cellular level are present, however the effect is much deeper and more profound. It has only been in recent years that the effects of HLLT are studied and applied in more and more settings ( )
Let’s face it, birth isn’t only hard on moms, it’s hard on babies as well! LAFTR can help unwind and release all the tensions, torsions, and trauma that occur so baby can be calmer and healthier.
While many adults reminisce about childhood the truth is that for some kids life is a lot harder than for others. Whether it’s speech issues, sleep issues, learning disabilities, challenging peer relationships, or a host of other challenges today’s kids face, LAFTR is a great therapy to help kids recover and thrive.
Body, mind and soul need tending, like a garden, and lets face it, sometimes the weeds overtake us. LAFTR is not only incredibly relaxing, “best night’s sleep in years” being the most common feedback after the first treatment, it can also help bring us back into alignment in all 3 of these areas of personal health.
Preparing for an Appointment
For infants and children, it is a good idea to practice with swim goggles and a flashlight. Tell them they will wear goggles like the swim goggles and the provider will shine a light on their hands to let them see what it feels like and on their cheeks and even in their mouth. Let them know the light is supposed to feel warm, relaxing and very nice. You could even get a wet washcloth and let them feel it when it’s cold, then put it in the microwave. Let them touch it when it’s hot and say “Now that’s too hot, right?: Then when it cools off to warm, let them feel it on their skin. Depending on the age of course, but for children who can understand, you can help them to feel cool cloth, warm cloth and hot cloth, and tell them they will help by telling the provider when they don’t feel anything or when it feels too hot or just right warm.
For adults, mainly don’t drink too much caffeine or energy drinks. That will lesson the positive effects. Otherwise, there isn’t anything you need to do to prepare for a LAFTR visit. It’s wonderful and relaxing.
Post Visit
All ages, after a LAFTR visit, the only real thing to do is relax. We always tell children, no homework, chores, or getting into trouble for at least 30 minutes. For adults, if driving gives you road rage, don’t drive for at least 30 minutes. No work, no emails, no social media, just relax. The ideal post LAFTR time is a nice walk outside, meditative time, a nap, enjoy a favorite meal, listen to your favorite relaxing music, and similar things. Giving yourself 30 minutes in your schedule after the LAFTR visit will have the most impact on the more integrative aspects of the therapy.
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